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2021 EMS Conference
작성자 : 관리자 등록일시 : 2020-12-13 15:46
첨부파일 :


Call for Papers & Save the Date!


North Central Regional Evangelical Missiological Society Conference

March 20, 2021

An ALL VIRTUAL Conference!!
Because of COVID-19 the 2021 EMS North Central Conference will be held virtually on the same regularly scheduled date of March 20, 2021. The Conference will be run much like the national EMS meetings held last October. That event ended up being the largest national EMS meeting ever held. We are hoping for the same interest to occur for the 2021 North Central Regional. More details about the March 20, 2021 Conference will be coming soon. Be watching via email and on the North Central Region's EMS page.

See the particulars below concerning the EMS 2021 theme as well as information about submitting a paper for the North Central Conference. 
Today perhaps more than ever before, global missionaries encounter numerous forms of crises and human suffering in the normal course of their work. Whether it’s poverty in Africa, a Tsunami in southeast Asia, human trafficking in India, or refugees in Europe and America, the likelihood that missionary efforts will intersect with some form of global crisis appears to be on the rise. What does this mean for mission theology and practice in the 21stcentury? How will these events shape the future of the church engaged in the missio Dei? These issues raise important missiological questions for the church, including:
  • How do these realities impact the ongoing debate between holistic missions advocates and those who emphasize proclamation?
  • What are the implications for indigeneity when it comes to responding to global crises? How can disaster relief efforts build on the knowledge and cultural insight of local churches and local believers? How can local believers be an integral part of disaster response?
  • What contextual theologies are coming from the global south that inform modern mission praxis as it relates to human suffering?
  • What do global crises mean for North American and European churches, especially in light of materialism and individualism that often characterize Western churches?
  • How do global crises and resulting needs affect fundraising strategies?
  • How do missionaries and organizations engage in responsible evangelism in the midst of crises?
  • How does the concept of missio Dei relate to responding to human need?
  • What are churches among the poor doing to respond to crises in their own communities?
  • How do global crises especially affect women and children? How can the church on mission serve the needs of women and children in crises?
Papers are solicited that address these and other related topics from missiological, theological, historical, sociological, and/or regional perspectives.

To propose a paper, send a topic title and 200-300 word abstract to your North Central regional EMS Vice President, Larry W. Caldwell, at by January 15, 2021You will be notified about whether or not your proposal has been accepted by January 29, 2021. Please include your name, title, and contact information as you would want it to appear in the conference materials. Selected papers will be presented virtually on March 20, 2021. More details concerning this virtual presentation will be sent to paper presenters in February. Selected papers presented at the regional meetings will be invited to be presented at the annual EMS meeting in Dallas, September 17-19, 2021, leading to the possibility of being published as a chapter in the EMS annual volume. Accepted papers should be 4500-7000 words in length and use Chicago Turabian author-date citation format. 2021 Annual EMS meeting chairs and editors are Dr. Sue Russell (Asbury Seminary), Dr. Rochelle Scheuermann (Wheaton College), Dr. Scott Moreau (Wheaton College) and Dr. Marcus Dean (Houghton College).
이전글 2020 EMS Conference
다음글 Call for the Papers: Asia IAMS 2021
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